In Audience Building, Blog Articles

Have you ever planned a big party? You organize the menu, hire the vendors, compile the guest list and send invitations, make music selections, coordinate the venue and the decorations and the lighting… and then you wait for your guests to enjoy the party. But what if you happened to skip the invitation step? Crickets—that’s what. It wouldn’t matter how much work you put into organizing the party or how fun it was supposed to be. If people don’t know about it, all of that effort will have been for naught.

Apps work the same way. Your team and others across your organization can put in untold hours of work strategizing, designing and developing your app. You can take ultimate care in the way your app is built, crafting each detail deliberately to convey your brand and engage your users. You can take pride in knowing you planned and executed something wonderful…but no one is going to experience it unless you do something about it.

That’s why we put together this quick checklist to help kick off your app marketing efforts. It gives easy suggestions for ways to get the word out about your app, often piggybacking on your existing marketing channels and initiatives for maximum speed and efficiency. You’re planning a party, after all—just make sure your users know they’re invited.


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